Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Drugs on Vacation

Last weekend while I was vacationing in Cancun for a friend's wedding, I realized that if you really want drugs, all you have to do is ask...anyone.  I struck up a conversation with a Canadian tourist and we started to talk about what we did for a living, why we were there (turns out he was there for a wedding, too), about the resort we were staying in, etc.

What I remember most is that he started to talk about how he also sold cocaine and marijuana back home and how the first few days of arriving to Cancun he was "blasted out of his mind."  Apparently, all he had to do to score some really "good" cocaine was ask a taxi driver.  What's most interesting is that the taxi driver delivered the stuff to the hotel without the Canadian ever having to leave like if it were a pizza delivery.  Frankly, I'm not really sure why he felt comfortable telling me this or even how we started that conversation.  He went on to say that back home, his friend recently went to jail for selling drugs and that he was surprised he had not been caught yet because he sold "a **** load."  I wanted to know who his supplier was, so I asked.  He said the Hell's Angels supplied him with the merchandise.  "Are you sure?  At the end of the day, it probably comes from Mexico."  I could't help myself.

People like this Canadian tourist keep the Mexican cartels in business.  He sounded so proud, proud like the parent watching his son perform the lead role in the school play or like getting first place at the championship match.  He didn't seem to be phased about the possibility that he could go to jail like his old buddy.  

For him, it was just another day.  For me, it was just another day in the Mexican drug country.  

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