Sunday, March 21, 2010

El Tigrillo

When the local police needs help they call El Tigrillo. Sources that I know well explained what happened when six individuals were arrested for fighting a month ago. The officers took the individuals to the police station and phoned El Tigrillo for orders. "We arrested six men for fighting. Should we let them go or keep them overnight? What should we do?," said one of the officers. His response, "Wait until I get there." My sources proceeded to tell me that three out of the six persons were released because one of El Tigrillo's girlfriends is related to them. The other three were forced to spend the night in jail and were beaten by narco henchmen as punishment.

El Tigrillo is a young, twenty-something year old womanizer who never leaves the proximity of his recent model truck. He is also the supposed narco in charge of five towns, including the one I stay in. Narcos in this area are reluctant to stray far away from their transportation because they need to be ready to evade the scene when necessary and must be ready to carry out orders when called in for duty.

I find this very fascinating. Entire towns are run by young adults and adolescents in their early teens, mostly from outside of the area and other states. At their age, I was in high school trying to determine what college to go to. They drive luxurious late model cars and trucks with pitch black tinted windows. Their car windows are so dark that even in broad daylight, the vehicle might as well be driven by a ghost because I can barely tell someone is inside. These youngsters drive with a vengeance: running red lights and weaving through traffic. Earlier this afternoon, I saw a black late model truck with tinted windows drive through a red light all the while a police truck stood just a few hundred feet away.

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